Wednesday, January 8, 2025

"His Authority" (Ester 3:1b)


SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 9/26/2011 9:42:10 AM



My Worship Time                                                                              Focus:  His Authority


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Ester 3:1b


            Message of the verse:  “and advanced him and established his authority over all the princes who were with him.”




            I am not the best when it comes to working a computer, but above you should be able to double click on the mp3 in order to hear Psalm 37, a Psalm that will help to understand what will happen eventually to Haman.  As we look at this last part of Ester 3:1b and then think about how Mordecai was not even given a thanks for saving the kings life we may wonder why we see this kind of thing happen to Haman who did nothing to be advanced into the position that he now has.  Again listening to Psalm 37 will help put this into prospective.


            When we look at the life of Haman we will see that he was a proud man and his goal was to achieve power and so he probably used flattery on the king, for we already have learned some of the weakness of the king and one was that he was gullible and therefore was susceptible to flattery and he was also anxious to please people.


            Dr Wiersbe points out that there have been Bible scholars who have recognized that some of the vary traits that are found in Haman will be seen in who the Bible calls the antichrist.  Haman received his power from the king and the antichrist will receive his power from Satan.  Haman had a deep hatred for the Jews and so will the antichrist, who at first will be nice to them signing a treaty with them to keep them safe, but will latter, come against them and try to kill all of them.  (Daniel 9:27-27)  In 2 Thes. 2 and also Rev 13 there is more info on the antichrist and by reading those passage and comparing them to some of the things that we will see Haman do one will be able to see the similarities between the two.


            God permitted Haman to come to power and He will permit the antichrist to come to power, and in the end God will receive glory just as He received glory from Pharaoh and will receive glory from those who will invade Israel in the last days as described in Ezekiel 39 where it says that God will put hooks in their jaws and bring them down against the nation of Israel in order to defeat them, for it will be God who will do a miracle and defeat those nations that will come against Israel in the last days.  I have written before that all of God’s attributes bring glory to the Him including His justice.  This however is harder for us to understand than having His Love bring glory to God.  One must think only of the cross in order to see His attributes of love and justice bringing Himself glory, for it was love that held Christ on the cross so that God’s justice could be satisfied and all who have believed in the fact that Christ died for them and was buried and rose again will one day be with the Lord in glory.


            “Dr. J. Vernon McGee use to say ‘The Jew has attended the funeral of every one of the nations that tried to exterminate him’ and Haman was not to be an exception.”  You see God cannot go against His promise and His covenant that He made with Abraham and so even when one reads of the sin that Israel had committed, and even though God was so upset with them you will always read that God will accomplish His purposes that He made for Israel and will bring them back into their land, something that happened in May 5, 1948.  Take the time to read the 15th chapter of Genesis to see the covenant that God made with Abraham, and because there was no one greater God swore to Himself that this covenant will come to pass, and even though Satan has tried to stop it that will never happen.


            Haman had authority given to him by the king, and when a person receives authority it will test their character as to how they use that authority, and we will see that his character left a lot to be desired.


            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  I have stated in earlier SD’s that I desire not to be as gullible as I have been in the past.  I do not want to be anything like Ahasuerus and that is one of the reasons for studying the OT that is to see mistakes that were made and then not make them.  A pastor we were listening to while living in Hawaii was telling the benefits of having all age groups in the local church and gave some of the benefits of having all of the age groups, and what he said about having the older people in a church was that they could let the younger people know of the mistakes that they have made so that the younger group will not make them.  That is kind of like reading the OT; the thing is not to repeat the mistakes.


My Steps of Faith for Today:


1.     Learn from mistakes and not make them again.

2.     Continue to learn the difficult thing of being content.


9/26/2011 10:52:21 AM

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