My Worship Time Focus: Satan begins his temptation
Bible Reading & Meditation Reference: Genesis 3:1
Message of the verse: “1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, ‘Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?’”
Genesis chapter three is one of the most important chapters in all of God’s Word, for without it there would be no explanation of the fall of man, and there would be no explanation of why man lives like he lives in his fallen state. Take this chapter out and what it explains and the rest of Scripture would not have the meaning and understanding that it has.
It can be seen from other parts of Scripture that Satan is the one involved in the tempting of Eve, and that temptation begins in verse one. The first part of the verse speaks of the craftiness of Satan as he begins his conversation with Eve, for the verse does indeed say that this serpent was crafty.
There has been much debate as to whether of not Adam was around when Satan tempted Eve, and if he was there he certainly did nothing to help out his wife, and that is probably the reason that Adam is the one who is responsible for the fall of man. Paul explains some of the details of this when he writes to Timothy. One of the supports for those who say that Adam was not there is that he was the one who named all of the animals and surely would have known that none of them could speak to humans by using their voice.
Looking at the second part of this verse, the part where the serpent speaks, it can be seen through out the rest of the Scriptures that Satan tactics have not changed when tempting other, and why should they because they have worked many times. He did use the same tactics when tempting Jesus Christ, the second Adam in the wilderness, but they failed.
Satan begins his temptation by quoting God’s Word and asking her if God really said what He said. This is how the author of the “Message” writes this verse, “Do I understand that God told you not to eat from any tree in the garden?” Satan is trying to get Eve to doubt God’s word and he is doing this by misquoting God’s Word, or adding something that was not there, a favorite trick of his.
Spiritual meaning for my life today: There are some things that I can take from this passage that will be helpful for me as I live out my Christian life on this earth. Satan is a liar and he loves to trick people by getting them to doubt God and His Word. Satan is a very powerful enemy of all believers and without the protection of God’s Holy Spirit and God’s Word Satan would do to all men what he did to Job’s family. Another thing that I can take away from this is that I need to study God’s Word so that when temptation comes I will be able to stand against it in the same way that my Lord Jesus Christ did when He was tempted by Satan.
The Word of God has been a challenge to my heart as I read and studied it this morning.
My Steps of Faith Today: Continue to trust the Lord to direct my paths today, and also to continue my quest of contentment.
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