Monday, February 6, 2012

All Lost by Fire



My Worship Time                  Focus:  All is lost by fire

Bible Reading & Meditation             Reference:  Genesis 19:27-38

            Message of the verse:  “27 ¶  Now Abraham arose early in the morning and went to the place where he had stood before the LORD; 28  and he looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the valley, and he saw, and behold, the smoke of the land ascended like the smoke of a furnace.  29  Thus it came about, when God destroyed the cities of the valley, that God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when He overthrew the cities in which Lot lived.

30 ¶  Lot went up from Zoar, and stayed in the mountains, and his two daughters with him; for he was afraid to stay in Zoar; and he stayed in a cave, he and his two daughters.  31  Then the firstborn said to the younger, "Our father is old, and there is not a man on earth to come in to us after the manner of the earth.

32  ‘Come, let us make our father drink wine, and let us lie with him that we may preserve our family through our father.’  33  So they made their father drink wine that night, and the firstborn went in and lay with her father; and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose.  34  On the following day, the firstborn said to the younger, ‘Behold, I lay last night with my father; let us make him drink wine tonight also; then you go in and lie with him, that we may preserve our family through our father.’  35  So they made their father drink wine that night also, and the younger arose and lay with him; and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose.  36  Thus both the daughters of Lot were with child by their father.  37  The firstborn bore a son, and called his name Moab; he is the father of the Moabites to this day.  38  As for the younger, she also bore a son, and called his name Ben-ammi; he is the father of the sons of Ammon to this day.

            In this section of Scripture we see the sad things that happened to Lot and to his daughters, and eventually to the nation of Israel, and it was because of Lot’s worldliness that this all came about.  Lot loved the world, and believers are told not to love the world, (See Romans 12:2). 

            In verse 31 Lot’s daughters said that there was no men around for them to marry, and some commentators have said that they though that the whole world had been destroyed, and that they were the only ones left, however they had just came from a city where people were living and so this could not have been the case.  John Calvin says that they must have had some slaves with them and that is how they got the wine, but that the slaves were not acceptable for them to marry.  I believe that one point has to be made here, and that is that these daughters of Lot who lived there whole life in Sodom could not help but to have their minds polluted with the evilness and sinfulness of that city, and so this probably seemed very natural to them to commit incest with their father.

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  “Where sin abounds grace abounds much more.”  God’s grace is clearly seen in this story, God’s forgiveness is clearly seen in this story.  One of Lot’s daughter’s son’s became the father of the Moabites, and Ruth, who was the great grand-mother of David was a Moabite.  God’s grace is seen in this, for Ruth is in the blood line of the Lord Jesus Christ, and as all others in that line Ruth was a sinner, yet Ruth was a believer and it was God’s grace that brought about His forgiveness for all who believe.

The Word of God has been very refreshing to my heart as I read and studied it this morning.

My Steps of Faith Today:  By God’s help I too can demonstrate grace in my life to others in order to show the love of Jesus to them today.  Continue to believe that the Lord will be teaching me contentment and to direct my path.   

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