Monday, February 6, 2012

Isaac's Birth Anouncement



My Worship Time                  Focus:  Isaac Birth Announced

Bible Reading & Meditation             Reference:  Genesis 17:18-22

            Message of the verse:  “18  And Abraham said to God, ‘Oh that Ishmael might live before You!’  19  But God said, ‘No, but Sarah your wife will bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; and I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him.  20  ‘As for Ishmael, I have heard you; behold, I will bless him, and will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly. He shall become the father of twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation.  21  ‘But My covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this season next year.’  22  When He finished talking with him, God went up from Abraham.”

            God was speaking to Abraham from a physical body it seems like to me as verse twenty-two says that after God had finished talking to Abraham that He went up form him.  This shows to me that Abraham could see God and have a conversation with Him and it was not some kind of a vision that God was giving him, but a face to face conversation

            God had told Abraham that he would have a son in his old age, and that God’s covenant would be established through this son of Abraham and Sarah’s old age.  Abraham, probably not understanding exactly all that this was all about asked God to establish His covenant through Ishmael, but this was not to be, however God would bless Ishmael as he would tell Abraham of this.  Abraham was the son of the flesh, while Isaac was the son of the Spirit, for indeed it was impossible for Abraham and Sarah to have a child without a miracle from the Lord, and that is exactly what Abraham and Sarah would receive, and it is what God was promising in this section.

            The significance of all of this can be seen in a couple of places in the Scriptures; the first can be seen in John 3:1-8 and the second in Galatians 4:21-31.  In the Galatians passage Paul explains thoroughly the difference between the two sons of Abraham.  Galatians 4:28-31:  “28  And you brethren, like Isaac, are children of promise.

29  But as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so it is now also.  30  But what does the Scripture say? ‘CAST OUT THE BONDWOMAN AND HER SON, FOR THE SON OF THE BONDWOMAN SHALL NOT BE AN HEIR WITH THE SON OF THE FREE WOMAN. 31  So then, brethren, we are not children of a bondwoman, but of the free woman.”

            Paul is saying that the covenant that God made with Abraham does have all who are saved as part of it, yet there is still part of that covenant that applies to the nation of Israel, and will be fulfilled with the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and Him ruling from Jerusalem in His 1000 year kingdom on earth. 

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  The covenant that God made with Abraham has much to do with me, in that because of that covenant I can know God through the Salvation that has been given me through Jesus Christ’s payment of my sin on the cross, and also His resurrection from the dead, and that He now lives in heaven at the right hand of His Father.

            The covenant’s sign of circumcision also has given me the power to live in the Spirit and not in the flesh.  By looking at both the passage in Genesis 17 and in Galatians 4 I understand more about the two sons of Abraham and how they can represent the flesh and the Spirit, and that in the end even though Abraham love Ishmael he had to send him out, and that is the same thing that can happen to me when I really like something of the flesh I need to put it to death.

The Word of God has been convicting, challenging, and refreshing to me as I read and studied it this morning.

My Steps of Faith Today:  Trust the Lord to give me the strength to put to death the power of the flesh, and live by the power of the Spirit.

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