My Worship Time Focus: Sin of Ham
Bible Reading & Meditation Reference: Genesis 9:24
Message of the verse: “24 When Noah awoke from his wine, he knew what his youngest son had done to him.”
The question is what exactly did Ham do to his father? Did he just look at him while he was naked, or did he have homosexual relations with him? There are those in both of these camps, but the fact remains that the curse was on Canaan, Ham’s son, who descendents did commit the sin of homosexuality on a very large scale.
Spiritual meaning for my life today: It could probably said that sexual sins are the most prevalent in society, as because of the fondness of sex in, (at least our society) it could be the sin that people like the most.
It takes a concerted effort to battle the temptation of sexual sin, for it is a battle that I face most everyday of my life, and have because of the way that I was abused when I was a child.
The Word of God was convicting to my heart as I read it this morning.
My Steps of Faith Today: To continue to trust the Lord in the midst of the financial problems that I am going through, to trust the Lord to direct my path, and to continue to teach me contentment. To continue to aid me in the battles I face each day.
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