Saturday, February 4, 2012

Where We All Came From



My Worship Time                  Focus:  Where we all came from

Bible Reading & Meditation             Reference:  Genesis 9:18-19

            Message of the verse:  “18 ¶  Now the sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem and Ham and Japheth; and Ham was the father of Canaan.  19  These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated.”

            These two verses are very important in that they tell the reader where he came from, or at least give three possibilities of which of Noah’s sons they descended from.

Verse 18 tells that Ham had a son called Canaan, but that is the only son that is mentioned in these two verses.  It seems that Ham was the first homosexual that the Bible speaks of and the story will unfold in the next verses, but when you did into history it can be seen that those who descended from Canaan were the worst when it came to the sin of homosexuality. 

            Verse 19 tells me that all of the population that is on the earth today came from one of the three sons of Noah, and there are many who live today who would not believe this statement.  There are some believers today who do not believe that the flood was world wide and that the days of creation were many thousands or even millions of years instead of twenty-four days.  It takes faith to believe what the Bible records, it takes faith to believe exactly what the Bible records when some so called scientist of our day have greatly influenced many believers into believing that its okay to believe the Bible, but please figure a way that will fit the Bible into the science of the day.  To this I say HOGWASH!  As for me I believe that the earth was made in six twenty-four hour days, there was a worldwide flood, where water covered the entire earth, and that I am a descendent of one of Noah’s sons, which is probably Shem.

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  As stated above, I do believe the Scriptures, and I am thankful to God who is the One who gives me faith to believe His Word.

The Word of God was refreshing to me as I read and studied it this morning.

My Steps of Faith Today:  To continue to trust the Lord to direct my path everyday, and also to trust the Lord to continue to teach me contentment, so that I can say with Paul that I have learned to be content with every situation that God has placed me in.

Memory verse for the week:  Philippians 2:14-15

1.  Do all things without grumbling or disputing, so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crocked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world,   

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